Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Hi Smiles and Skinnie minnie

Hi guys hope you had a great new year. As for the comment about learning the hard way.. I don't know it seems I never seem to learn!!! but I had the same episode after chewing 1 chip really well so I dont know if its the way my body reacts when i get due for my period (cos it seems to happen around then) or if its me not chewing rigth... I know for sure that the boxing day incident was my fault though!! and Ive been pretty careful since.

Em the Optifat is really important, go back on my blogs in July and you will see how upset I was about doing it all, hopefully it will help you get through it. Doing it over Christmas is an extra challenge so i can only imagine how much harder it is for you.. Take each day at a time and you will get through it. If you can do 4 full days by the 5Th day it should get a little easier and you wont feel the bubbly tummy and hunger much and drink stacks of water and keep yourself busy. These tips helped me get through it. I was trying to cook for my kids and it was soooooooo bloody hard I feel for you.. Do your best because it is important and helps you in the long run. It also is a great start to what life is like with the band! What i mean by that is there is certain things you cant have with the band and the same with optifast.

Smiles... you poor thing I'm glad it only lasted a few hours mine was all night. I have gone off track the past week and eating everything last night (new years eve). We had a bbq and I really was not hungry but ate anyway (not a lot) but I could of done without it. I have to be good and try hard this week the last thing I want to do is stretch the band and get another operation that would really suck. I guess there are days in our new banded life where things like this are going to happen. I have created habits over the past 29years that are not going to be broken over night so i don't plan to beat myself up over it and just live and learn and make better choices over the coming years. That's all i can do.

Good Luck Girls


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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena