Monday, August 25, 2008

Eating more food

Well as the weeks go past i am finding that im eating a little more food then the week before Im waiting on my first fill which should sort me out, today i had

B 1 wheat bix/ milk

S 1 99%fat free white hot chocolate

L 80g baked beans/ 4 kfc chips

S 1 glass low fat milk

D very tiny bowl of latina pasta with cheese

Ive got no idea if Im eating 2 much or not enough but im
fairly satisfied and not hungry but i need to get that water in as well
and i did not get much today so i will have some while watching tv tonight. Lacked in the fruit and veggie department today I will need to make up for it tomorrow. Lapband life has been ok so far besides the cramp in my side that wont go away. I had a Christening and they served pizza and quiches i just had th filling from 2 baby quiches which was enough. Most Desert would go down well that is the floor of
the band but Life without the occasional sweet would suck soim really glad i can have the odd treat.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yes ive titled this blog appropriately for the absolute pain i was in yesterday and Im surprised i lived to tell the story. First i must say im an idiot and I say that because i swayed from the rules. I have nearly started mushies and so I thought 2 days before i was meant to start i would have a go at a very mushie sausage roll. Not a good thing. I havnt chewed for over 1 month now so I guess I forgot the process or
something so i took a few bites... About 2 hours later i had a pain across my chest across my back (It felt like labour pains all over again) I made myself vomit and was better.... Im worried because ot vomit at this early stage post op may of caused some damage, I have no reflux and am feeling ok so im assuming all is well and will be seeing my doctor in a few weeks. I guess I was finally feeling great after feeling crap for so long and I figured i have no restriction.... Im stupid and i will put it down to a huge learning curve that i will need to adjust to. All I can say you Live and learn and i have done that this week. My weight loss has came to a stand still this week I lost 4kg last week (approx 7lbs) but ive Incorporated more into my diet this week so I guess Its to be expected. I cant wait till i go back to the gym next month so i can start to see hopefully some weight loss progress. If I can get down to 105kg by my QLD trip i will be happy.. T hat will be an extra 9kg loss. My mother in law was in total shock when she saw me so she noticed the 15+kg loss (30lbs about) so it was a good feeling.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 6 days post op

Hi all,

Ive finally came out from under my pillow feeling much
more like a person again. I still have some pain and am going t see the
doctor soon but I am slowly getting my appetite back and I must say i missed it for a while. I get hunger pains but Im not hungry so its a really strange feeling Im having. Ive been a good girl drinking only fluids Ive lost another 400g so Im 114.4kg. Cant wait until im under 110kg then under 100 and then of course my goal is around
69-70kg. The real test will be my mother in law on Friday. She will
even notice the 16kg loss or not! I mean my parents never really notice
anything. I can tell in my face and my clothes are looser and to my
husbands regret Ive shrunk my bra size a heap. So I can say ive lost it
in the breasts and my wedding finger cos my ring slides off!!!
Great.... The tummy and the arms would of been nice but i guess thats coming.

I guess the reason for eating these days is for energy really. I find that if i dont eat Im in a heap with no energy. Im eating very little because i have been on Otifast
anyway for the past month so have got myself in a pattern on just doing
breakfast lunch and tea. (with the fluids) My advice to all who is going to do the LAPBAND is to do OPTIFAST for 4 weeks
( and I never ever thought i would ever hear myself say that) I hated
it I still do, but.... It has helped me to just eat 3 time a day. and
that is it. I eat cos im boared. My old habits came out today when I had a very tiny bowl of soup and thought about getting more. I waited 20min and didnt even think about it after that.

Anyway I hope this time next year im at my goal 69-70kg.


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Feeling yuck

So far I have spent the past 3 days laying on the couch feeling sorry
for myself trying to figure out how i got from deciding to do this to
here.... Have i made the right choice.. i guess only time will tell.Im
not hungry have no energy and am feeling really uncomfortable. I feel
like someone has punched me a good one in the ribs.. I am a little annoyed
at the doctor for not sending me home with pain killers or anything at
all even a suggestion on what to eat would of been helpful. I have lost
about 3 kg since Thursday, and when I hear people say they cant wait
for their band I think.... "oh yes you can".

I think its just early days thats all and Im having a whinge cos im in a little pain and never really felt this way before. I remember waking up and was in and out of consciousness and heard the nurse say she is still in a lot of pain SHES NOT LITTLE she will cope with somemore pain killers......

HMMMMM its people like that which is the reason why I did this. Im still in a lot of pain and according to the receptionist its not a normal pain so Im waiting for the surgeon to call me back. Each day Im feeling better but the pain isnt going away. I had a good cry today I think Im just menstral and sore... Cant wait to feel like normal.. Now 114.7kg from 130.5 Not bad i guess..

Anyway I will keep this blog posted.


Friday, August 8, 2008

My first Day home

OMG I feel really bad Im in more pain then i antispated. I just want to say that although i cheated on optifast a few time the surgeon said that my organs had shrunk to the point where he only needed to put in a small band.

The nurses and staff at Freemasons Epworth were so lovely. After the op I woke up feeling really uncomfortable and its a pain i have never experienced before.

I wont write much because Im pretty sore and tired but all I can say is I pray that this pain goes away so I can get on with my life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Getting banded tomorrow

Well the day has come to get this year long decision finalised. Im off to get the gastric band put in tomorrow. I have had a month of what i can only describe as hell on optifast but Im
pretty proud of myself that I have got through it 12.7kg (24lbs i
think) lighter. I have cheated throughout the month but for the most
part have stayed focused.

I really am more scared about the outcome of the band. The operation itself i have managed to block out of my brain but im sure it will rekindle itself in the morning.

I stocked up on soups and juices to get me through the liquid stage and Im hoping im only in for the night. Anyway there is little more to say.

Wish me luck.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Thyroid scare

Got a call at 8.30pm the other night the message went something like this

"hi its Lee Im the admissions nurse at the hospital you need to call me back ASAP I need to speak to you in person its about your bloodtests....." and then hung up...

I was left thinking I was dieing or that they might cancel my op.

I finally got a hold of her and she basically siad that my thyroid reading was off. (which is due to the rapid weight loss) I have an under active
thyroid and am on medication for it I just had to modify my dose no
drama But boy it was a scary few days waiting for the doctor to get
back to me.

I have 1 week left and I am finding the last week on Optifast even harder then before I stuffed up big time tonight, Ive been so good for so long AHHHHHHHHHH. I find it amazing how some doctors have no pre op diet. Anyway I think my husbands eating habits are going to make this a really hard journey for me. I dont know if its because Im not eating but
i notice all the bad stuff he eats and through him I can now see how i
got this big. We would order 1 family pizza and eat it between us. I look
back now and think how wrong that is and it would take me 3 slices
before i could get a little full. I just hope the band stops my
interest in food that i have all the time.



Blog Archive

About Me

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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena