Sunday, September 28, 2008

From a size 26 to a size 20

Good feeling today. I grabbed the size 24 and it was 2 big so there was only a 20 left on the rack. It fitted perfectly. I am slowly getting there. People are starting to notice more and more (my dads mate) was a surprise its a great feeling. Im starting to feel like a normal person. Im only about 10kg off walking into a "normal" shops and not having to find the bigger chick stores and paying through the nose..... Im 108.7kg and to some that is really still huge and it is, but I was 132.5kg and have not been 108kg for a about 12 years.

I am waking up with a stabbing pain in my side and it lasts for about 30 min I may of already mentioned it earlier but it is a worry, i have no retriction still so ive booked it for Friday to get the second fill done... Fingers crossed. I just hope im not playing with fire because im off to QLD soon and I dont want to be 2 restricted but want to be satisfied..

Im hoping that this fill will stop me from wanting to snack all the time. i dont want to fight myself like i have been in the past with food. I want to just eat and then be full and not have to think about it.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My results so far.

No restriction

I'm down to 109.2kg but I'm finding it very hard to not want to eat. My doctor said that if i don't feel any restriction (which I don't) to go see him for a small top up before I go on my trip. Today when i woke I had a sharp stitch like pain on my side but it soon went away. I know it was something to do with the band cos Ive never had that before.

My parents are noticing the change in me and my husband is as well. Ive had remarks from people who i figured wouldn't really care and that was a nice change.

I really want a "little miss top" i don't know why but they are really very cute.... In the past they have never fitted me..... I decided to buy a size 20 tshirt and order a iron on Little miss cheeky. ( a size 20 is a big milestone because I'm slowly getting into an 18 to 20 and there are just more options. I have a wrap dress that is so clingy and I really don't know what i was thinking when I bought it at 132.5kg....(never worn it ever out in public)!!! I tried it on today and although Ive still got a long way it seems to look ok on me.

My trip to QLD is in 2 weeks and I know i will just feel so much better on the plane and as the summer months approach just more better about things. If anyone out there is overweight and really trying to get it off its just a matter of turning on that thing in your brain that doesn't respond when you grab the burger or takeaway food. Its weird I'm so glad i made this choice for myself, whether it was the lapband or another approach i m so glad I'm 22kg lighter.

So far it has not been a miricle cure and I never thought it would be, I'm glad i was not disillusioned from the start. I have had to really work with it, but it all adds up. Last night i had dinner and then we went out where there was free sausages. Now usually i would of had a few..... But have learnt that for me sausages and the band don't mix, so just had a low fat hot chocolate. Everything you put in your mouth adds up..... so that's just another lesson I have learnt so far from being banded.


Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today I had my first fill. I learnt a few things.
! don't eat lunch before the fill
2 stick to fluids for the rest of the day.

My doctor gave me NO instructions and when I asked if i could eat he said yes. He added 2.5 and in a 10cc band that sounds like a lot but he is the expert.

I lay ed down on the bed with a pillow under my back he felt for the port and told me to lift my head then injected the saline. It really did not hurt at all.

Because I ate not long before my fill i think the food was still digesting and later on in the afternoon i had a "lapband episode" where the asophicas spasms (according to my surgeon) and the pain was really bad in my back and across my chest for a good hour. I'm OK now.

I just hate the fact that i have to work out once again what my band can and cant take food wise...

Ive lost 22kg according to his scale. (132.5kg) now 110kg.

My goal for 109kg is nearly achieved.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Weight loss slow

My first fill is on Thursday and im really not sure what to expect, its been a busy few days so i have not had time to think about it. My port is fairly wobbly so im hoping that it hasn't moved. I am eating a lot more and finding it hard to control myself so the fill couldn't of came at a better time. I feel better but really want some more progress soon. I plan to get to 109kg by my trip which is not that long away. Despite getting more hungry Im still not eating crap and so if anything my weight loss has stopped but hasn't shifted in the wrong direction. I had a 21st on the weekend and I wore a dress and felt really comfortable for once, i had a lot of comments even from my older sister finally!!!!! lets just say coming from her its a shock, so I must be doing something


Thursday, September 11, 2008


Hi I have spoken to a lot of you on line and would really love to help anyone who is thinking of being banded (the best I can). Life at the moment is so much different I'm now 20kg lighter and feeling so much better. I went to the gym this morning and cant imagine how I did the workout at the start of my journey. I cant stop shopping for clothes. I have a long way to go and I'm still in a size 20-22 but it beats squeezing into a size 26 and dresses just look a little better on me. A jacket i bought last winter just buttoned up now it is real loose. I cant wait until I get to under 100kg. My goal for September was to reach 114kg well Im way past my goal. NEW GOAL: to get to 108kg by OCT 11th ready for my trip....


Its NOT a quick fix, weight can be slow at times YOU DO need to workout and eat right.

Don't assume you are recovered and then eat something that you may think is OK to have. I did this and the food got stuck. The pain was unbearable I was crying and had to vomit. (lesson learn't forever).

I was in pain for a good 3 weeks there are some that recover fast I thought there was something wrong with me. If anything seems wrong call the doctor straight away. Don't wait. I did and I was reassured I was fine but the peace of mind was all worth it.

I'm happy with my decision, I haven't told many people and am happy that I have kept it to myself. People tend to watch every little thing you eat if they know. They don't get that everything in moderation is fine That is One thing i have learnt MODERATION...


BEENA (MY first fill is on the 18th sept I will do a blog on that then)

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Stats so far

*Began Tue 8/7/08 (130.5kg) 1 day
*Lost 4.7kg Tue 15/7/08 (125.8kg) 7 days
*Lost 6.6kg Thus 17/7/08 (123.9kg) 9 days
*Lost 7.3kg Mon 21/7/08 (123.2kg) 13 days
*Lost 8.1kg Thur 24/7/08 (122.4kg) 15 days
*Lost 8.4kg Sat 26/7/08 (122.1kg) 17 days
*Lost 9.1kg Wed 29/7/08 (121.4kg) 20 days
*Lost 10.1 Thur 30/7/08 (120.1kg) 21 days
*Lost 12.7kg Thur 7/8/08 (118.8kg) 28 days (day of op)
*Lost 15.7kg Tue 11/8/08 (114.8kg) 32 days
*Lost 16.1kg Wed 13/8/08 (114.4kg) 33 days 40kg to go
*Lost 16.5kg Thur 14/08/08(114kg) 34 days
*Lost 17.9 kg Sat 30/08/08(112.6) 50 day
*Lost 18.6kg Mon 2/09/08(111.9kg)52day

(if you want to figure it out in lbs google webmath)

Down 6.7kg (14lbs) since the lapband

Things with the band are getting better. I will begin back at the gym tomorrow after having 4 weeks to recover. I can still feel a slight stitch but nothing that is making me worry. Since the op ive lost 6.7kg (14lbs) without even doing any extra activity, but now im recovered its on. I feel great im now 111.9kg(246lbs) which is still alot to carry around but much better then 130.5kg(287lbs) so in total with optifast pre op and the band Ive lost 18.6kg (41 lbs) so im getting there. I must say the head hunger is hard im so use to eating big sizes of everything. Here is a few tips for future bandsters only from what helped me, others may disagree (but who cares) this is my blog LOL....

1. Buy small bowls and plates (saucers and kids bowls)
2 Buy kids knife, folks and spoons until you work out how to chew chew chew.
3. Get european pillows for the first week after the op a hot water bottle or heat pk
(helps to ease the pain and the pillows are great for supporting the tummy.
4.keep a water bottle close at all times
5. Portions are great like tuna with crackers already packed so you know how much you are eating cheese and crackers, small cereal boxes things like that.
6.dinner ive been filling up my small bowl with portions size foods like healthy choices which ususally there is over half still left but the bowl is a great measure once again so i know where im at
7. If you want something sweet try 99% fat free white hot chocolate from Jarah or portion sized chocolate (1 stick kitkat) so you dont over do it.

Well this is just what Ive learned so far from my journey with the band.

Take care.


So far this is what ive learnt hope this helps.




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About Me

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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena