Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No restriction

I'm down to 109.2kg but I'm finding it very hard to not want to eat. My doctor said that if i don't feel any restriction (which I don't) to go see him for a small top up before I go on my trip. Today when i woke I had a sharp stitch like pain on my side but it soon went away. I know it was something to do with the band cos Ive never had that before.

My parents are noticing the change in me and my husband is as well. Ive had remarks from people who i figured wouldn't really care and that was a nice change.

I really want a "little miss top" i don't know why but they are really very cute.... In the past they have never fitted me..... I decided to buy a size 20 tshirt and order a iron on Little miss cheeky. ( a size 20 is a big milestone because I'm slowly getting into an 18 to 20 and there are just more options. I have a wrap dress that is so clingy and I really don't know what i was thinking when I bought it at 132.5kg....(never worn it ever out in public)!!! I tried it on today and although Ive still got a long way it seems to look ok on me.

My trip to QLD is in 2 weeks and I know i will just feel so much better on the plane and as the summer months approach just more better about things. If anyone out there is overweight and really trying to get it off its just a matter of turning on that thing in your brain that doesn't respond when you grab the burger or takeaway food. Its weird I'm so glad i made this choice for myself, whether it was the lapband or another approach i m so glad I'm 22kg lighter.

So far it has not been a miricle cure and I never thought it would be, I'm glad i was not disillusioned from the start. I have had to really work with it, but it all adds up. Last night i had dinner and then we went out where there was free sausages. Now usually i would of had a few..... But have learnt that for me sausages and the band don't mix, so just had a low fat hot chocolate. Everything you put in your mouth adds up..... so that's just another lesson I have learnt so far from being banded.


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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena