Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanks for your support

Hi all thanks for the recent comments about my 30kg loss!! and good luck to those who are getting banded soon.

(smiles)- Just wanted to say all the best for the op in Jan it will be a new year for you and a new life! need any advise or help and I will do my best to help.

Cant wait to get the other 30kg's off!! all in good time.. LOL
but its nice to be in a size 18 and nearly in a 16 YAY!!! something that seemed so far away....

I nearly gave up before the band and nearly excepted my fate as a fat person! so Im happy with the progress so far.... I m not going to say its easy or that its for everyone, but I did do my fair share of dieting and came to a point where I felt i had no other choice!!! but a decision that was not taken lightly. All the best to you all and good luck with what ever decision you make FOR yourself!


Monday, November 24, 2008

reached 30kg loss

I finally have lost 30kg been a battle but Im there!!!! Only another 30 to go WOW!!!! I can onny hope i do it as fast as I have with this 30kg lol


Getting thinner

Im now starting to notice the change in me, and am seeing a shape that I have not seen for a good 12 years. I knew i had a waist it was just hidden by all the fat!!!

Im near my Christmas goal which is good, it is taking longer then i hoped but as long as the scales go down then all is good!!

I cant stop getting clothes even just simple tshirts that no longer have to be so baggy on me anymore.. I have a long way yet but its better then being 132.5kg and its amazing I thought I would have to be 60kg before i would even notice anything.

Its been a bit of a battle but it is working and thats the main thing.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Ok in past posts I have mentioned that I fit into size 18's but had never bought any cos there was a few kg's needed to loose.... Today went to target and bought a top in an 18 and have been looking at it since I cant believe it. I mean I haven't been in an 18 for 12 years and it feels really great to finally not have to shop at the bigger stores or to feel like I don't belong in everyday stores!!! I could never just walk into any store but the plus size ones now its getting that little bit easier...

I had my 4th fill yesterday but the week leading up to it I was nauseous and felt really full for 3 days I don't know what it was but i do find that some days the band is way tighter then others especially before my period...

The head hunger was hard to fight this time around and that's a habit i need to work on more and fight again. The band takes the edge of it!!!! (after all over eating is an addiction) well for me anyway.
Ok so with the 4th fill it was harder to find the port this time and took a few try's which was semi painful. It has been popping in and out and i have been told not to worry from the doctor.

My restriction is better I have eaten today
2 tbsp wheat bix (wasn't hungry this morning)
baked spud with veggies
cheese/3 clix biscuits/ tuna
half fish, a few chips

The best thing that you can buy is portion sized things like tuna and biscuit packs and cheese and cracker packs they are great cos they are portions and you can keep them in your bag on the go!!

I am now 103.6kg (on the doctors scales) so lost 4.9kg since our last visit and cant wait to get to my next goal of under 100kg the aim is to reach it before Christmas. Fingers crossed..

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weight gain

Hmmm I have put on some weight this week and I can only blame myself and not having restriction at the moment has made it really hard. It feels like the old days before the band where i was fighting against the diet I was on. I miss the restriction because it has a way of making me not want to eat food at all.

Im a little mad at myself and I have every intention of going to the gym and coming home and doing the tredmill tomorrow to start the ball rolling again. I find it frustrating that my fills are so few and far inbetween....

Anyway i will keep this blog posted on how i go.



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About Me

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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena