Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 6 days post op

Hi all,

Ive finally came out from under my pillow feeling much
more like a person again. I still have some pain and am going t see the
doctor soon but I am slowly getting my appetite back and I must say i missed it for a while. I get hunger pains but Im not hungry so its a really strange feeling Im having. Ive been a good girl drinking only fluids Ive lost another 400g so Im 114.4kg. Cant wait until im under 110kg then under 100 and then of course my goal is around
69-70kg. The real test will be my mother in law on Friday. She will
even notice the 16kg loss or not! I mean my parents never really notice
anything. I can tell in my face and my clothes are looser and to my
husbands regret Ive shrunk my bra size a heap. So I can say ive lost it
in the breasts and my wedding finger cos my ring slides off!!!
Great.... The tummy and the arms would of been nice but i guess thats coming.

I guess the reason for eating these days is for energy really. I find that if i dont eat Im in a heap with no energy. Im eating very little because i have been on Otifast
anyway for the past month so have got myself in a pattern on just doing
breakfast lunch and tea. (with the fluids) My advice to all who is going to do the LAPBAND is to do OPTIFAST for 4 weeks
( and I never ever thought i would ever hear myself say that) I hated
it I still do, but.... It has helped me to just eat 3 time a day. and
that is it. I eat cos im boared. My old habits came out today when I had a very tiny bowl of soup and thought about getting more. I waited 20min and didnt even think about it after that.

Anyway I hope this time next year im at my goal 69-70kg.


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I got the Lapband on the 7th August 2008 and have lost just over 30kg in 4 months. This is my journey so far.... I am more then happy to help with what I have learnt so far being banded. Cheers Beena